
In the world of battery manufacturing, it is particularly true that no battery pack is stronger than its weakest cell. To maintain the highest level of quality, the multi-stage manufacturing process must therefore be carefully designed and precisely controlled to ensure reproducibility and stability.

In electrode production, the homogeneity of the slurry and the purity of the recipe, i.e. the amount of foreign particles, must be checked. When coating the top and bottom sides of the electrode foil, the relevant quality parameter is not only the uniform surface and continuous adhesion but also the coating thickness accuracy, i.e. the homogeneity of the slurry application.

During cell finishing a special coating is applied to the cell enclosure that both protects the surface and provides the necessary insulation to reliably prevent short circuits and potential burnout of the entire battery. Coating thickness again is a safety-critical parameter here, which must be carefully monitored. All measuring points must be checked in just a few seconds - exactly the right job for our PaintChecker Industrial, which can run up to eight sensors simultaneously.

We offer innovative solutions for automated, non-contact inline coating thickness checking to optimize all the above-mentioned processes in the line and make battery production more efficient. Even existing lines can be retrofitted with our solution – for more consistency, quality and significant cost savings.

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